Week one of Summer Project at King's Domain is coming to a close. I'm currently sitting in the DH (Dining Hall) surrounded by a ton of my new friends/family for the summer and loving every single minute of it. Can't believe it's only been 6 days...I feel like I've known these people forever! Apparently it's obvious that I'm from the south...saying "y'all" probably gives it away when I'm only around people from Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, etc.
When I arrived at camp on Monday I was immediately greeted by my Project family and the leadership staff...I had to stand on a pink fuzzy rug and let them all "welcome" me by singing - a little overwhelming, but I quickly adjusted, seeing as stuff like that is going to happen almost everyday here :) I've already had to interpretive dance to be able to have a letter that a friend sent me...yep, that's normal here. That night, the leadership team danced into the DH to"Forever" and we were all officially "married" into the KD fam. Since then, it has all just been tons of fun and a lot of learning.
My week has been full of touring the camp, clearing the trails, testing out the obstacle course (not one of my finest moments here haha), campfires, camp songs, a crazy wonderful bonding time turned into a dance party, climbing up and down hills, "testing" games (think water, flour, and oatmeal all at one time), teaching the mid-westerners how to shag dance, Bible study, cleaning, Nerts, Bananagrams, Carpet Ball, training before the campers arrive, visiting the University of Cincinnati's Cru meeting, early morning basketball, a personality test, and lots of spiritual learning/training. (According to the personality test, I'm a "gold" and therefore love lists, so I hope you just enjoyed that long one).

[the team after Crud Wars]
This summer, the campers and SP people will be focusing on the Kingdom, Temple, and Nation and shining for Jesus! Our Bible studies so far have all taken place in Matthew 6 and we've discussed being free from the "law", living by the Spirit, prayer, and worry. Friday night, our discussion focussed on our identity in Christ and how we are just visitors on this earth, awaiting and living for our Heavenly dwelling place. That's pretty much our challenge for this summer, so I'll probably be spending a lot of time learning about this :)
Thank you so much to everyone who has supported me and made it possible for me to be at King's Domain this summer! I am anxiously awaiting the campers who will be arriving soon and am loving my time here and getting to know my Project family.
Thanks for reading! I have enjoyed the letters I've received and hearing about everyone else's summer! Love y'all tons, Kayla
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