Picking favorite moments of the summer is proving to be quite the challenge. My mind has been racing ever since I've been home as I have been reflecting on the summer, what I have learned, and the exciting, fun things that have happened. I've even been jotting down little things that I remember so I don't ever forget them again!
I'm going to divide this post into a few different lists: Camp, Weekend & Random Fun, andThings I've Learned from my Mid-Western Friends :)
Okiedokie....here it goes.
Top 10 Favorite Memories from Camp:
1. Princess Party!!! The girls got together one night every week and camped out with their little

2. Singing the little girls to bed/comforting homesick campers - one of the most challenging but rewarding things of the summer
3. Herman the Worm! [and the other camp songs] I would love to share these wonderfully NOT annoying songs with you, so feel free to ask! :)
4. Playing Gaga
5. Speaking and dancing like Star (one of the judges each week)
6. Hydrate: every Thursday night I met with two other girls, Emily and Chelsey, with our hydrate leader/super-mom Kelli to refresh, take a break from the kids, and encourage one another in the midst of a hectic and busy week :)
7. Domainia: the nightly program including singing, dancing, Mail Call, and the 3-part skit to bring home the theme of "Shine"
8. FOB (flat on bunk) aka nap time, which often times turned into hilarious bonding time for my cabin. I feel like I got to really connect with my girls during this time and just have fun, free from lots of extra people and distractions. It was so relaxing to just hang out, even if we weren't really sleeping :)
9. Meal time and all of the funny skits and dances that came along with it [Cha Cha Slide, Cotten-eyed Joe, Domainia Dues (the hilarious rules skit) and "Cheesy Eggs", just to name a few]
10. Pancakes and ICECREAM every Friday morning for breakfast!
Top 10 Favorite Memories from the Weekends/Random Fun Adventures:
1. Russian accents - the female counselors came back from Princess Party one morning and were magically able to "speak Russian"...I think some campers' minds were blown.
2. Euchre - Andrea/Jenn vs. Bryan/Kayla...Final Score? 3-6. Champs.
3. Smelly Cat: sweet Lauren Miller, in honor of her obsession with cats, was serenaded multiple times with this song, complete with 4 ladies circling, clawing, and licking her like cats. You probably just had to be there...

4. Car ride jam seshes (especially Kellie Voss and her killer dance moves)
5. Graeter's icecream. Black Raspberry Chip is my new favorite, hands down.
6. 4-hour-long Starbs (Starbucks) dates with Andrea and Jenn :)
7. Climbing/standing on/jumping off the
Power Pole
8. Hanging out with the sweet Rieske and Steele children
9. Dressing up like cows for Chick-fil-a's cow appreciation day!!
10. The "True Colors" personality test! and analyzing everyone's personality for weeks after that.
11. (I'm adding an extra item to the list...sorry they won't all be only 10 in length now.) Snuggling/hugging/sitting on laps/etc....yep. I've become a "feeler" [Powerhaus, you would be proud :)] Physical Touch may now be one of my top "love languages." Apparently King's Domain has a way of doing this to people.
12. Oh shoot, I have to add another one. Crud Wards/Slip-in-Slide counselor style! We had an epic boys vs. girls Crud Wars when there were no campers.....so fun! and I still probably have bruises form the slip-in-slide :)
Things I've Learned from my Mid-Western Friends:
1. "Pop" is the preferred term over "soda" (usually)
2. Drawn out vowels indicate being from the south (for example: Biiiible Study) and if you say "y'all" it's a dead giveaway.
3. Jank (adj.): broken, "messed up," not up to par, etc... "This bus (with it's engine that won't start and door that doesn't open properly) is so jank."
4. Euchre brings people together..a little friendly competition didn't hurt anyone

5. To go along with Euchre..."in the barn": When a team is one point away from winning and flip both point cards down to show 9 points, often accompanied by using a hand gesture to milk the
cows (courtesy of the ever-reliable Wikipedia). Sounds super-weird, but it's really not, and if I could demonstrate I would, but you're just gonna have to take my word for it :)
6. Mid-Westerners are loyal to their professional sports teams (mostly football and baseball) and from my experience, the most loyal fans either cheer on Chicago or Indianapolis teams. I have recently decided/been persuaded to be a Colts fan....thoughts?

7. Speedway and it's $.89 slushies/drinks cannot be beat. Everyone has a Speedway points card which earns them rewards such as a free tank of gas when you reach a certain number of points. I have some friends who are well on their way to some big

8. It is illegal to make U-turns in Ohio. Not very efficient if you ask me, but just one more thing that made my summer a unique experience! :)
9. Ohio State University is really THE Ohio State University....don't mess. [I really love this and kind of wish UNC was like that.....THE University of North Carolina :)]
10. Michigan State basketball plays UNC on 11.11.11.....the countdown begins.
As you can tell, I have lots of favorite memories from the time I spent at King's Domain.....I'm sure I could've made these lists much longer (but that would've been slightly obnoxious haha) so whenever you see me PLEASE ask me to share some funny stories from the summer. I would love to share them with you (and sing/dance to any camp songs if you would like to experience them for yourself)!
Love y'all tons!
- Kayla
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